As we all know, people are all different. We are each created differently and our skin is different as well. Your facial skin is not as tough as your torso skin or your arms and legs. We have to be kind to our face which is why we have to choose the right moisturizer for our skin.
When you look at all of the different types of moisturizers out there, you will see serums, lotions, creams, overnight creams, day creams… AHHH! So how do you determine what is the best product for your skin type.
Generally speaking, lotions are made for oily based skin. If you are large pores and are more of the normal to oily side, you do still need a moisturizer. Your skin is still thirsty for moisture even though it produces oil. Oil is not the same as moisture.
Creams are made heavier and therefore are for the normal to dry range. Some are even for overly dry skin, sometimes labeled mature skin. And no, Mature, does not mean you are old. LOL It is more about your skin’s condition. If you were a sun worshipper in your younger days and have more than the normal amount of wrinkles, your skin would be considered mature or damaged.
So looking at all of the creams that are available, how do you break down what would be the best for you?
First thing is to know your skin type. That will get you into the right category. If you are using the cream at night, you will not need any UV coverage, so that’s one less thing to worry about. Next you will want to see what your facial issues are.
Wrinkles? Deep expression lines? Is your Skin Firm or losing firmness?
Use these factors to determine which cream will work best for you. The features of the cream and lotion will be called out on the label and box of the product. Focus on your most pressing issue you would like to correct. If the wrinkles are bothering you the most, look for a product that lists that correction first on the label.
Texture is a biggie with me. I like my creams to be thick but absorb quickly. I am just picky that way. You may like thinner creams. You may have to try out a few to find the perfect one. That’s why samples are a great way to find your perfect fit.
It can get super confusing when you are trying to choose the right moisturizer for you. Price does not always mean a product is better than another. Test and sample several so that you can find the perfect one for you.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.